Why You Want To Write Or Speak Out Loud What Is In Your Mind — The Secret Truth Of What Is Happening
Everyone struggles with certain things, myself included.
It’s a natural part of life.
However, there are many ways to get past those struggles more quickly.
One of the fastest ways to do this is to either write (such as in a journal) or speak (either to a camera or better with a coach) EVERYTHING that is going through your mind.
Why is that?
Well, when things stay in our heads, they remain as half ideas.
We put just enough energy into them that they don’t go away, but not enough that we can fully grasp what is going on.
However, when we write or speak those ideas, we are then forced to complete the thoughts.
Better yet, there are often clues within these that allow us to get to deeper truths in our lives.
I was speaking with someone earlier today and she was speaking to me about all these things that she had on her list to do.
However, during our conversation, she used a specific word — “Hiding”.
When I asked her about it, it led her to deeper thinking about how she may have been hiding from certain things in her life.
This is what happens when we write and speak our ideas.
The truth and fullness of what we feel deep down get expressed.
This allows us to actually figure out our lives, and then to act.
It gets us to the literal Secret Truths in our lives that we have been missing right in front of us.