What To Do When You Are Opposed — The Reality Of Being A Leader
When you take a stand for something, eventually (usually sooner rather than later) someone will oppose your beliefs.
What do you do when this happens?
The truth is most people get it completely wrong.
There are 2 ways most people react which never work:
➼ Cower And Give Up
➼ Scream Over The Opposition
No matter how often you do either of these, you will always lose as a Leader.
If you cower and give up, you will lose respect from those you lead and you will be seen as indecisive.
If you attempt to scream over others, they simply won’t listen and will find you rude and offputting.
Either way, as a Leader, you lose.
So, what do you do instead?
It’s really quite simple.
Prove them wrong through action.
If you are truly right, and you can back your position up, then prove it.
Actions always speak louder than words.
When you demonstrate results, when you provide proof, when you show others you stand for what you believe, then you can’t be argued against.
People will still oppose you, but it won’t matter.
Results speak for themselves.
When you have proof through action, your opposition can only do one of two things:
➼ Attempt To Scream Over You
➼ Cower And Give Up
When people attempt to scream over results, it won’t matter.
The results show everyone the truth.
Your opposition will simply be seen as rude and offputting.
Their other option is to cower and give up.
They will see the proof, and that ends the opposition.
This is why it is critical to become an Exemplar Leader.
When your actions are completely aligned with beliefs and words, and you are getting results that everyone can see, there’s nothing to be argued against.
Go out today and be an Exemplar.
Show people who you truly are.