What To Do When Everything Is Against You — The Time For A Leader To Shine
There are points in our lives where it feels like everything is against us.
Sometimes we just “feel” like things are against us.
Other times things are truly against us and completely out of our control — Politics, Natural Disasters, Food Systems, Etc.
It’s completely normal to feel like there is little we can do in many situations during our lives.
So what should you do when you encounter this?
What Most People Do
Most people, when confronted with these situations, will do a number of things all of which will make their life more difficult.
First, they will focus on everything they can’t control.
Part of our psychology is designed to find evidence for whatever we focus on.
When we focus on what we can’t control, we will find more things that are outside of our control.
Over time, this will add a larger feeling of hopelessness.
The more we feel hopeless, the harder our lives become.
We begin to think, “What’s the point?”
We start to give up.
It starts with giving up on one thing, and then another, and another…. and another.
Until we become a shadow of ourselves, dragging ourselves through life, hopeless, stressed, and burnt out.
The Leader’s Call
However, this doesn’t have to be how we go through life.
There’s another way.
One that honestly feels a lot better.
It may be true that many things feel outside of our control, and there are indeed things where there is literally nothing we can do about.
However, that doesn’t mean that EVERYTHING is hopeless, and that is the key.
Instead of focusing on what we can’t control, you need to focus on what you CAN control.
It doesn’t have to be anything major.
Just start with small things and tiny steps.
If you want to be in better shape, start with 1 pushup a day.
If you want to improve your diet, begin with making 1 better food choice daily.
Want to improve your team, have 1 conversation with someone and give guidance to help them become better.
It won’t feel like much, but there will be a couple of things that will begin to work in your favor.
By changing your focus, you’ll find more opportunities where you DO have the power to do something.
Over time, you’ll begin to make a lot of changes in your life.
Starting small also allows us to overcome the Mg-ATP (energy) friction problem, meaning we become more likely to change our lives.
This allows us to build habits faster, with fewer challenges, and less stress.
Keeping stress low is a huge necessity for success in today’s world.
Making improvements in our lives, while keeping stress low, leads to faster changes overall and more access to Flow States.
The more positive changes you make, the more you will stand out from others.
This leads to more opportunities available to grasp onto.
Over time, you’ll be looked to as a Leader.
From Me To We
When you aren’t overtaken with hopelessness, you become a figure people look up to.
If YOU can be hopeful, maybe they can too.
They’ll want to know how you can keep moving forward, keep making changes, and keep being positive.
It’s becoming more and more rare to see, so you’ll be the equivalent of a Unicorn.
From here, you have an opportunity as a Leader to help others gain similar results in their lives.
It will start small, but it always adds up.
If you create a group of people who have hope, who aren’t overly stressed out, and who believe they are capable of doing great work, then the world becomes your oyster.